Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

I may or may not be able to get a good post in today because I have a lot going on.

On this day of love, I just want to say try to make someone happy. Help someone feel God's love, whether it be your spouse, family member, friend, or stranger.

For those of you who are having struggles with your spouse and don't really feel like doing anything special today, I would say do something. Do a small act of service for your spouse. If you really don't want to, pray for God's love to fill your heart and share that love with one who needs it.

When my husband and I struggled the most, and when I really missed what we had (or thought we had), I tried to do small acts of service. It really helped boost me, and it eased tension in our relationship. It helped me develop more Christlike love. I realize that maybe not all of you want to improve your relationship, if that is something that is struggling. Then, maybe your act of service could be to pray for the desire to improve your relationship. Or pray for the knowledge of what to pray for. God will help you if you truly seek Him.

"For God so loVed the world,
          that he gAve
              His onLy
                       That whoseoever
       Believeth In Him
          Should Not perish,
       But have Everlasting life."
-John 3:16

Good song about Christ:

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