Thursday, November 21, 2013

Guest Post

I've written a guest post that is featured at Lights Along the Shore and Addiction Hope and Recovery today! They are currently doing a series of tips from women in recovery. Check it out on Tuesdays and Thursdays for more tips from women in recovery. So far, the posts have been very powerful and uplifting.

I can't wait to start my trek to Utah for Thanksgiving. We are leaving tomorrow after school. The past two weeks have been crazy busy. I've worked between 60-70 hours both weeks. I'm seriously looking forward to some down time, family time (aka nieces and nephews time), and blogging time. I have a lot of thoughts jumbling around in my head that are bursting to get out.

31 hours to go! Love you all! See you on the other side.

1 comment:

  1. Love you girl! Lovin' the guest posts you're doing lately!! If you have *any* spare time over Thanksgiving, let me know and we should do lunch or something! :D
